Karry Maloney

Build Your Workforce & Strengthen Your Workplace 


As a Living Opportunities business partner, you can hire our Job Candidates. Through our customized services, we help identify your business’ specific employment needs and match them with the skill sets of our Living Opportunities candidates. By connecting your employment opportunities with our candidate’s abilities, we provide a WIN-WIN partnership for everyone.

We specialize in tailoring part-time positions ranging from 8 – 20 hours per week which allow efficient redistribution of tasks and existing workloads.  Our workplace partners often find that they are able to save time and money by hiring part time employees through Living Opportunities. Through our diverse talent pool, we will match a qualified individual to fit your specific employment needs and unique business culture.

Our services include customized training and ongoing support provided by our Living Opportunities employment specialists – at no cost to your company. Your business pays only the hourly wage of the person that you hire, plus payroll taxes.

By partnering with Living Opportunities, you will gain responsible, creative, productive employees who in turn will gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in the work they do with your company.

Together we can provide a WIN-WIN partnership.

Watch just a few of our success stories


For information on becoming an employer, contact Tara Mardoll, Director of Employment Services @ 541.772.1503


2018 Living Opportunities Employer of the Year SOU – Dining Services

By employing our Job Seekers, you help them to become valuable, productive members of our community, and you become a leader for social change. We currently have over 80 businesses in the community that employ over 110 of the people we serve.


Alternative Services, Inc.


Asante Ashland Hospital

Ashland Hills Hotel & Suites

Ashland Springs Hotel

Auntie Carol’s Hawaiian Cafe

BioMed Diagnostics

Blackstone Audio, Inc.

Butler Automotive Group – 4 locations


Chamber of Medford/Jackson County

City of Central Point—Parks & Rec

City of Medford—City Hall

City of Medford—Parks & Rec

City of Medford—Public Works

Creative Supports, Inc.

Cropper Medical

Darex, LLC

Dazey’s / Hubbards

Dogs for Better Lives

EC Blend

Fit for a Queen

Focus 1 Associates

Grange Co-op – 5 Locations

Great American Pizza Co.

Housing Authority of Jackson Co.

ICW, Inc.

Jackson County Sheriff’s Office

Jiffy Lube, White City

John L. Scott Real Estate

Kids Unlimited

Kaleidoscope Pizzeria & Pub

KTVL News 10

La Clinica

Lark’s Restaurant—Medford

Leone Holden, CPA

Lithia Springs Resort & Gardens

Liquid Assets



Oregon Commission for the Blind

Oregon Community Foundation

Oregon Dept. of Human Services

Oregon Employment Department

Oregon Dept. of Senior Services

Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Personnel Source, Inc.

Providence Hospital

Punky’s Diner

Quality Market

Quantum Innovation

Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield

Renal Care Consultants

Rogue Community College

Rogue Credit Union

Rogue Valley Country Club

Rogue Valley Manor

Rogue Valley Transit District (RVTD)

Rosario’s Italian Kitchen

St. Mary’s School

ScienceWorks Hands on Museum

Shastina Millworks

Skylark Assisted Living and Memory Care

Southern Oregon Head Start

Southern Oregon Subaru

SOU – Dining Services


United Way

Valley Immediate Care


Veteran’s Administration

Yerba Prima

Living Opportunities services are funded primarily by state and federal monies focused on Developmental Disabilities.  For information regarding eligibility for funding, contact Jackson County Developmental Disabilities Services 140 S Holly St  Medford OR 97504  541-774-8205